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Friday, November 02, 2007

YEAH!!! PW's finally over today with the ending of the OP. =)
I'm relieved that I made few hiccups during the presentation and did not disappoint my team, even though I still stumble on some of the words.Hope that the assessors won't notice that I stumbled on certain words ><

Well,after the OP, my CT Mr. Ng treated the whole class to Swenson. I long tym nvr eat swenson le. but den during the lunch outing with my classmates I was stuffed with ice-creams from my classmates(as some of them couldn't eat finish the big portions of the ice-cream). In fact I was stuffed so much that I tink I've developed a phobia for ice-cream for this wk!

Now, I finally can relax le. This is what I'll be planning to do over this few days:
-Play DotA =d
-Watch the following animes: Ghost Hound, Shakugan no Shana II, Rental Magica, Shion no Ou, D.Gray Man, Seto no Hanayome, Hayate no Gotoku etc...

However, I noe tt even tho I can relax for these few days, I've have to face the music when monday comes, when my Promo results are released. I definitely do hope tt me and my whole class will be able to be promoted to JC2, but as the saying goes: Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst... wonder what awaits me on next monday..

11:12 pm

A day at Funan
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Went to Funan the IT mall with my dad and bro today to buy an upgrade of norton internet security for my 2 computers at home. B4 we went there we had an sumptuous indian meal. In fact it's the 1st time tt i've ate the traditional indian meal! it sure is delicious but abit heaty ><
After tt we went to visit the challenger at Funan. muz sa tt it very huge for an it store, as it has almost everything related to IT. it even sell bags(laptop bags however)! in fact we went to buy 2 sch bags for both my bro n i, which of course are supposedly laptop bags(but we still gonna use it as normal sch bags anyway).
We spend quite a long tym looking for the rite bags b4 we set off to buy wat we were there for, the anti-virus program.
while i was queuing up at the cashier, the mac section in the challenger caught my eye. i was surpised when i went there to have a look, cos the mac computers are really very thin and beautifully designed. too bad the cost of it is too ex liao...if not i'd have bought it instead of my laptop... ><

8:38 pm

The results week
Friday, July 06, 2007

2 weeks have passed since i sat for my 1st block test in a jc. N dis week i got back a few of my subject papers. The results for my block test so far are terrible; i've got 2 S grades for 2 out of 3 H2 subjects(chem n maths) so far, with a B2 for chinese being the only slight relief for my subjects. hope tt they would moderate the marks for sum of the subs, cos for some subjects the whole lvl results r poor...in fact for dis block test the tutors said alot of subs tested were veri badly done...now my onli hope is tt i pass my eng and bio...It looks though tt i'm gonna be down for yjc's self study programme at every saturday liao...ARGH!!

10:21 pm

The monotonous days of my life
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Finally updated my blog today le..gt no time to do it during the past few days..

The happenings on Sunday:
The BIG event for today would be tt of the 坚信礼(couldn't find the english name for dis) tt i had at my church(my bro took sum pics of the ceremony,will upload to dis blog asap) . Basically tt's a ceremony tt mark tt u've not only officially joined as an adult member of the church, but also tt u've acknowledge the infant baptism tt ur parents have done for u. after tt i had a long lunch gathering aft the ceremony n took dis time to chat with sum of my frens there.

After tt i went to ps with my bro n dad,with a purpose of shopping for new clothes n accessories, and it's the 1st time tt we've shop seriously at ps.(as in the past we juz did window shopping there). i bought 3 new t-shirts during dis shopping( yay!cos even tho the amt is small these clothes would liven up my already-shrunked wardrobe), n was glad tt my mum didnt came(otherwise my dad would have an even thinner wallet by the end of the day><)

Rite aft the shopping i went to play a few hrs of computer games wif my frenz b4 going b hm. i received the ultimate shock upon reaching hm, as i realised tt my grp nids to hand in the re-edited PW GPP by monday, with 2 annexes attached! This gt me into a panicking, cos i'm the grp leader for the PW grp n my grp did nt finish these 2 annexes, n worse still i had to put the bits n pieces of the re-edited GPP 2gether. So, for the rest of the nite, i spent my time piecing and editing the GPP, n after tt typed out both the annexes from scratch(cos my grp discuss n wrote the annexes on paper, n these were veri brief). I wonder y but all these took my a hell lot time to complete(i reach hm at abt 8.45pm,started the whole thing at 9pm n finished it at 3.30am -.-). by the time i was so exhausted n sleepy tt i hastily typed out my last annex n printed it out...went to slp immediately aft tt..was glad tt i didnt fell asleep on my desktop ><

The happenings on monday:
Woke up at 6.30am 2day, a much later time than my usual waking time. it's nt coz i overslept;it's cos 2day is the start of the revision week in the sch, where i had to go back to sch to attend revision lessons(haix). As there's no assembly for dis week, i could thus slp longer(didnt really slp much tho,coz i slpt at 3.30am the previous nite><). did nth much 2day, juz revise revise revise during the sch hrs(didnt really listen to the tutors attentively tho,coz too tired liao) n went back hm n relax for the rest of the day.
The happenings on tuesday:

again nt much happened(by nw u shld be able to conclude tt there's no life in jc for a jc student..it's a hard core fact tt i've come to realise ><), juz keep on attending revision tutorials n lectures.managed to catch sum slp during the break, n aft going b hm did sum maths revision(nt much actually).
The happenings on wednesday:

Abit more happened today than the other days in dis wk,as after my usual revision cirriculum in sch i went to play pool wif my frenz(rarely had the time to chat wif them due to the long jc cirriculum tt i had). realised tt im really a newbie when it comes to pool(gt trashed by my frenz for quite alot of times). ate mr bean's food b4 playin pool for the 1st time( i bought set b, the beancurd with riceballs n a biscuit). didn't realise tt i've always went past such a delicious store without even noticing until i ate one of its products. In fact, i bought its pancakes aft playing pool(they were also quite delicious) . aft tt went back hm n surf the net n blogging(which is wat im doing nw)

9:36 pm

Thursday, June 07, 2007

SO SIANZZZ!! Still have to come to school for 1 more week..den after tt week the "holiday" week is actually the revision week, cos aft tt week will be the BLOCK TESTS!!OMG!!

Anyway, today has been a rather boring and predictable day, with long lectures( Chem lecture for 1 n a half hrs) n long school hours( i had to stay in school until close to 6pm). today has been one of my most drowsiest day cos i didnt slept much the day b4, thx to my bro( even tho i slept at 12 midnite, he kept smsing in the bedroom till 1am plus, n seem to didnt notice tt his sms ringtone is very awakening, den after he stopped smsing i couldnt really get into slp liao -.-)

also, my class today is rather quiet, due to the absence of chingay (saffir). However, i'm glad tt our of my classmates( which is also one of my pw grp members) came to school 2day after her long vacation at sweden(so gd sia!!).

Haiz....looks like dis month's holiday is almost over liao, with me having little time to unwind..hope tt the block test can faster finish so i can get sum rest...

7:37 pm

Saturday, June 02, 2007

For quite sum time i haven blog le. Dis r wat i've did over the past few days:

Monday: Nth much happen..juz stayed n home n rot...

Tuesday: Same as monday..

Wednesday: Went n played pool wif seah yi for awhile in the afternoon in paradiz( too bad jonathan can't come due to his piano lessons). After tt we went to play computer games at egames. We played X hero seige there, which was pretty fun( except tt it lasts for almost 3 hrs n tt my hero was 1 of the most lousiest towards the end).
In the evening we went to have our dinner at Mac, but we were so hungry tt we bought instant noodles after we ate at Mac. After meeting up wif jonathan we went for our church baptism lesson(we were late as we waited for jonathan to arrive), n aft tt i wanted to stay at dhoby up to midnite but jonathan had to go home early so we juz went home rite aft the lessons..haiz

Thursday: stay at hm n rot as usual..did veri little hmwk

Friday: Same as thursday....

Today( Saturday): went to watch Shrek 3 @ vivocity wif shawn n coli(P.S we watched the movies free as shawn had 3 complimentary movie tickets) . I muz say tt shrek 3 was nice to watch( even tho it had a predictable ending). after tt we went to eat at Long John Silver( sad tt vivocity doesnt have Mac or KFC ><). Thru dis lunch i realised tt coli eats veri slowly(after we ate finish our lunch ,me n shawn waited for her for close to 15 mins b4 she finally finishes it). Played sum arcade games aft tt b4 going hm.( P.S one of the racing games was super hard to play! not only will the car slide veri badly when making a turn, it also looked slow ><)

6:05 pm

The 5 Day 4 Night OBS Camp(last 3 days)
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

On 23rd May 2007:
I woke up in a cold n wet morning today, and I didn’t really noe the reason for the droplets of water on our tents every morning until I realised today tt it’s most probably the morning dew, as the forest tt we’ll camping at is rather damp. After un-pitching our wet n rather dirty tents, we did PT in camp 2, which was rather fun n hilarious cos not onli was the PT grp size much smaller( only gt Nehru n Elizabeth), the PT instructor is the fun Iskanda! N the games tt he instructed us to play during the PT were really fun, like for instance the ‘sumo wrestling’ game, ‘karate’ game n much more! Dis is definitely 1 of the BEST PT tt I’ve had in OBS!!
After breakfast, we started playing a game called “hu’s the murderer?”. we were all given a card which has the victim tt u’re supposed to “kill”, the place u’re supposed to “murder” tt person n the weapon tt u nid to use. The game was suppose to last throughout the whole day.
we had our high elements activities rite aft tt. The first stop was the belay station. Even though it’s not really tt high, it was fun as I get to try out all 4 roles of a belay team: the climber, the climber assistant etc. however, the best part of the high elements was the Double Dangling Duo(DDD in short), in which u n ur partner were supposed to climb up to the top of the logs tt are suspended in mid air. It was challenging as the distance betw the logs are quite far apart, n my whole body when stretched onli barely touched the log above another log. Luckily, eng kiet managed to push me up to the next log every time, n I managed to complete it(phew).

The highlight for this however, would be tt when jovina n shermaine were climbing. After both had completed climbing up to the top log, jovina climber assistant tool ann refused to let her down. If she wanna come down, she must shout out “I love ben sia!” loud n clear 1st . And she did shout it!

Another interesting part was tt I gt “killed” there by saffir b4 I even climbed(argh!), n coincidently the place tt I was supposed to kill the person was the DDD! with my card, saffir managed to do a triple “kill”.

After tt, after lunch, we had our hiking back to camp 1, carrying bags tt r so heavy tt they muz have weighed tons. It was hot n uncomfortable on the way, but halfway thru the hiking we stopped n played “ubin rescue”, in which u muz carry a stretcher with an injured “person”(actually it’s juz bottles of our water” across a set of obstacles without having a grp member or the stretcher touching the ground. My team managed to win the game despite many setbacks( yay!!). And after tt we had more hiking until we reached camp 1(finally back to civilization!I tot initially tt we had to take days to reach camp 1). Soon after, we started preparing for our YJC cheer.

At nite, we had our last outdoor dinner. We also had our tents pitched near the sea for the 1st time. However, there’s no breeze blowing into my tent despite placing the entrance near the sea =( .

On 24th May 2007:

We played new games dis morning for the PT, egs are “caterpillar” n “evolution”. After tt, we had the “YJC Cheerleading Competition”, in which each buddy watches( Nehru n Elizabeth for my case) were to come out and present a cheer tt could be used as a YJC cheer. Even tho my watch didn’t get into the top 3 positions, I was glad tt my buddy watch n my watch made the effort to come out with a cheer less than 1 day.(P.S Barker n its partner watch were the champions of this competition)

Rite aft tt we had the YJC Challenge. The objective of the game was to raise enuf money thru completing the stations in order to build 3 rafts n 2 catapults. It was fun! My watch did quite a lot of stations for it, such as the skipping rope game, the floating ball game etc. But sadly I onli participated in a few of these games, cos halfway I was told to go help build the rafts >< . Anyway aft tt we had the self-made rafts setting off ceremony(not really a ceremony), marked by the blasting off of the 2 catapults(wonder y they wanna have catapults in the 1st place, cos it didn‘t seem useful…) . I was certainly glad to be on the raft, cos it’s so fun! Even tho the raft tt I was on was already half-sinking by the time it was midway in the sea, it still manages to float. However, on its way back to shore, it suddenly sinks even more! Wat’s worse was tt the guy at the top-left of the raft sinks into the sea! Luckily he held on to the still-floating raft! During the last nite tt I had at OBS, I decided to stay awake throughout the nite with sum of my classmates. Even tho I didn’t managed to “thorn” throughout the whole nite( cos shi wei wanted the rest of us to go slp 1st at ard 2am), it was an eye-opening experience for me cos I learnt juz how many times u can get bitten by mosquitoes in the forest at nite without mosquito net! I was bitten countless times as I played “ true or dare” with the rest outside the tents( P.S the game tt we played didn’t have the “dare” component). As expected, I kenna “truth” many times but wat’s the highlight was tt I learnt the secrets of many of my classmates, thus allowing me to understand them more. On 25th May 2007( the last day of OBS):

It was a day filled with mixed emotions, a day in which I do not know whether to rejoice or sadden with the knowledge that it was the day that I complete my OBS course, the day which I will bid goodbyes with Pulau Ubin and my watch instructor Iskanda, and the day which I would return to my beloved home.

After the last briefing that I had at the MPH, the whole batch of YJ
Cians played the puzzles game. It was the last game tt we’d played in the OBS course.
Tears and agony fell upon sum when we took the ferry from pulau ubin’s jetty and go back home. Interestingly, just b4 the ferry went off, I managed to caught sight of a twister juz beside an island close to pulau ubin(we were damn curious at the same time when I shot it using my juz returned hp, n I tink it’s a rather unique way for me to remember my OBS course.).

1:27 am